I really mean NOW. This very day, this very hour, in this moment, what is occupying your thoughts? What is that one thing your mind keeps coming back to? As you drift away from the work in front of you, from the boring conversation you’re in, what do you keep thinking about? Is it something […]
Are Your Words Limiting Your Freedom?
I have been an amateur linguist for years. I find human language fascinating for many reasons. One particular thing that I have become more aware of in my own use of language is how many different ways there are to say essentially the same thing. I use the word essentially very intentionally here, because our choice […]
Starting and Maintain Habits During Life’s Transitions
Transition times in life are excellent opportunities to establish and nurture good habits. They are also dangerous times when it comes to establishing bad habits. These are times are when the daily patterns of your life are changing, like starting a new job, getting married, having a baby, relocating, or even a change of seasons. […]
What (We Think) Makes Us Happy
Everyone wants to be happy. Everyone wants to be free to pursue happiness. But if someone tells you that some thing will make you happy and you pursue that thing, even if it is a lie, are you really free? Lies are anti-freedom. You can chase the lies your whole life. You can pursue the […]
Establish Habits Instead of Chasing Goals
January is typically a time for making resolutions and setting goals for the new year. I’m going through that process both at home and at work right now. When it comes to my day job, goals are especially important. They are there for a team of people to rally around, to set priorities and establish milestones on […]
Who’s Fault Is It?
Ironically, I have found that one of my greatest steps toward more personal freedom is accepting responsibility for myself, my actions and my reactions. You may be able to influence other people, but you generally can’t control them and giving your freedom up to something you can’t control is not a good trade. We are […]
Own Your Agenda
The first and most important step in taking back control of your freedom is to own your agenda. To take back responsibility for the way you spend your time, the things you think about, the things you stress about, the things you spend your money on and the dreams you dream. There are so many […]
What is Freedonomics?
free·do·nom·ics – A social science that studies how individuals make choices to trade their limited freedom to satisfy their unlimited wants. Freedonomics can generally be broken down into: macrofreedonomics, which concentrates on freedonomic choices with long term or aggregate lifestyle implications, often affecting others; and microfreedonomics, which focuses on decisions with short term consequences which generally only […]