Freedom is a currency. Just like cash, we make decisions every day about what to do with our freedom.
Some of us already have a lot, some of us have a little, but we can all have more. Once we become aware of how we exchange our freedom for other things, we can make better choices about how to protect it, spend it, save it, invest it, enjoy it or willingly give it away. We can also recognize when it is being stolen from us.
This blog is about taking back your freedom.
When it comes down to it, that’s what we’re all pursuing, isn’t it?
I write about freedom because it has always been what I wanted, but until recently, I didn’t even understand what it was. I thoughtlessly traded my freedom for addiction, for debt, for dissatisfaction with my job, for poor health and for bad relationships.
I am done with that. I’ve become more aware of the things that try to steal my freedom. I have chosen to keep it or invest it. And I have enjoyed the benefits.
Who am I to write about the economics of freedom? I’m someone who has a long way to go, but has also come a long way already.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you’ll hang out a little while and come back from time to time.