Do not be conformed to this world…
To be conformed is to follow the crowd, to give up your freedom to the culture so it can decide what to do with it. To be conformed is to let others decide what you value, what you feel, what your purpose is and what your dreams are. To be conformed is to become a slave.
…but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”
To renew your mind is to take it back from the world, to reclaim ownership of your freedom. To renew your mind is to open it up to new possibilities, to shed the baggage the world would have you carry. To renew your mind is to throw off the shackles.
To free your mind, you need to feed your mind. I believe very strongly that what you read, listen to and watch shapes who you are. If you don’t vary what you take in, you won’t learn and grow. You’ll be stuck with the same perspective, same point of view and same opinions forever.
Read a book by someone you disagree with – and do it with an open mind. Listen to a lecture or podcast about a topic you know nothing about. Have a meaningful (and civil) conversation with someone on the oposite side of the aisle.
Here are some suggestions from my current diet and all time favorite dishes:
Recent reads:
Reclaiming the Bible for a Non-religious World
All time favorite books:
His Excellency, George Washington
Brave New World
Razor’s Edge
7 Habits of Highly Effective People
A great lecture series: Life Lessons from the Great Books from an awesome all around resource The Teaching Company